Find a Flatmate and Room for Rent in Ottawa, Canada

by iROOMit Team
2 March 2023
5 min read

Finding a flatmate and a place to rent in Ottawa, Canada can be a daunting task, but with the right approach, it can be a stress-free experience. Whether you are a student, a young professional or simply someone looking for a change, there are many options available to make your search for a new home successful. In this blog, we will discuss the best ways to find a flatmate, rooms for rent in Ottawa, and tips for making your search more efficient and effective.

Finding a Flatmate

Having a flatmate can be a great way to save money on rent and utilities, and it can also provide you with a sense of community. When it comes to finding a flatmate in Ottawa, there are several options available to you.

  1. Social Media: Social media platforms such as iROOMit, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter can be great places to start your search for a flatmate. You can join local groups or search for relevant hashtags to see if anyone is looking for a flatmate in your area.

  2. Online Flatmate Finder: There are many websites that specialize in connecting flatmates, such as Roomster, EasyFlatmate and These websites allow you to create a profile, search for potential flatmates and communicate with them to determine if you would be a good match.

  3. University or College Housing Services: If you are a student, your university or college may have a housing service that can help you find a flatmate. These services often offer listings for flatmates and rooms for rent in the area, and they can also help connect you with other students who are looking for a flatmate.

  4. Word of Mouth: Don’t underestimate the power of word of mouth. Ask your friends and family if they know anyone who is looking for a flatmate, and let them know that you are searching for one as well.


Finding Rooms for Rent in Ottawa

Once you have found a flatmate or if you are looking for a place to rent on your own, there are several options available to you in Ottawa.

  1. Online Listings: Websites such as iROOMit,Kijiji, Craigslist, and RentFaster are a great place to start your search for rooms for rent in Ottawa. These websites allow you to search for listings based on your budget, location, and other criteria.

  2. Property Management Companies: If you are looking for a more professional and reliable option, you can consider working with a property management company. These companies specialize in managing rental properties and can help you find a room that meets your needs.

  3. Real Estate Agents: Real estate agents can also be a great resource when it comes to finding rooms for rent in Ottawa. They have access to a wide range of listings and can help you find a room that fits your budget and location preferences.

  4. University or College Housing Services: If you are a student, your university or college may have a housing service that can help you find a room for rent. These services often offer listings for rooms in the area, and they can also help connect you with other students who are looking for a place to rent.

Tips for Making Your Search More Efficient and Effective

  1. Determine Your Budget: Before you start your search, it’s important to determine how much you can afford to spend on rent and utilities. This will help you narrow down your options and avoid wasting time looking at listings that are out of your price range.

  2. Be Prepared: When you are ready to start viewing rooms, make sure that you have all of the necessary documents and information with you, such as proof of income, references, and identification.

  3. Know What You Want: Make a list of your must-haves and nice-to-haves when it comes to your new home. This can include things like location, size, amenities, and shared spaces. Having a clear understanding of what you are looking for will make your search more focused and efficient.

  4. Communicate with Potential Flatmates or Landlords: When you find a potential flatmate or a room that you are interested in, make sure to communicate with the other party to ensure that you are both on the same page. Ask questions and clarify any concerns to avoid any misunderstandings or conflicts down the road.

  5. Do Your Research: Before signing a lease or agreeing to rent a room, make sure to do your research. Check the neighbourhood to ensure that it is safe and secure, and look for any red flags that may indicate that the property or flatmate is not a good fit for you.


In conclusion, finding a flatmate and a place to rent in Ottawa, Canada can be a fun and exciting process. By using the resources and tips outlined in this blog, you can make your search for a new home more efficient and effective, and find a room and flatmate that meets your needs and budget.